隱私政策 Privacy Policy
通過使用這個網站丶移動網站丶應用程式丶數據服務或與 ppprint 和有關聯或合作的公司和其子公司/附屬公司相關的任何產品丶服務丶網站或功能(每個不同的“服務“,統稱為”服務“),則表示你同意按照我們的私隱政策中說明的收集丶使用丶處理和分享你的信息。本私隱政策描述了你在使用任何服務時如何收集信息以及我們如何使用丶共享和管理此信息。ppprint 附屬 Make T-shirt Together Limited (中文名稱為棉衣印製有限公司)在香港註冊,並在香港的法律及執法機構管轄。
- 你直接並自願向我們提供的信息。我們可能會收集並儲存你提供給我們的部份量或全部以下信息
- 從你自動收集的信息。除了你提供給我們的信息外,本服務可能會自動收集和儲存其他信息,此信息可能包括:
- 設備註冊數據(例如,你使用的移動設備的類型,你的移動設備或廣告ID,IP地址,操作系統和瀏覽器類型)
- 設備設置(例如,語言首選項)
- 手機運營商
- 有關你如何使用服務的信息(例如,你每天使用服務的次數)
- 請求並引用網址
- 通過你的設備收集的位置數據(包括例如精確的位置數據,例如GPS和WiFi信息)
- 你通過服務公開發佈的信息。如果你在本服務的公共區域發佈訊息(例如評論等),ppprint 服務的其他用戶以及一般公眾可以收集和使用此訊息。我們強烈建議你不要通過允許陌生人識別或定位你的服務發佈任何訊息。
- 我們如何使用我們收集的信息。我們和我們的服務提供商可能會使用你提供的或通過本服務收集的信息來推廣丶營運和改進及加強服務,我們的所有網站丶應用程式丶產品和服務,或者不時與你聯繫,為你提供當時及重要的信息,與服務相關的通知或營運促銷計畫。如果你希望選擇退出通過電子郵件收到我們的營銷通訊,你則有機會接收不到我們其他的最新資訊,我們將不為此負上任何責任或賠償。
II。 第三方收集信息。
- 廣告和分析。
我們也可能與第三方分析公司合作,幫助我們了解如何使用服務,如數據收集丶報告丶廣告回響評估丶網站和移動應用程式分析,以及協助交付相關營銷信息和廣告。我們可能會使用Google Analytics(一種由Google,Inc.或其他第三方分析服務提供商提供的分析服務)(“Analytics Services”)收集有關你使用本服務的信息。這些Google Analytics服務可能會收集有關你查看的內容以及系統信息和地理信息的信息。Analytics Services 所生成的關於你使用本服務的信息將傳輸至Analytics Services並由其存儲。Analytics Services收集的信息使我們能夠分析你對服務的使用情況。
- 第三方鏈接和內容。此外,該服務可能包括第三方廣告,第三方網站鏈接以及第三方企業的其他內容。 這些第三方可以使用cookie丶像素和網絡信標來跟踪用戶在線隨時間和在不同網站或平台上的行為,以便將目標電子廣告提供給個人用戶。我們無法控制第三方網站或合作夥伴可能使用的Cookie丶像素或網絡信標。我們不會對這些第三方網站的私隱慣例或內容負責。我們強烈建議你查看所有不同網站的私隱政策。此外,一些第三方廣告公司可能會提供一些選擇退出其技術的機制,但我們則不參與其中。
- 不跟踪請求。如果你通過瀏覽器訪問服務,你的瀏覽器可能允許你調整瀏覽器設置,以便將“不跟踪”請求發送到你訪問的網站。但是我們不能停止在服務上處於活動狀態的跟踪技術,以回應我們從瀏覽器收到的任何“不跟踪”請求。你可以通過瀏覽器更改有關使用Cookie和其他類似技術的私隱偏好。你可以將你的瀏覽器設置為接受所有Cookie或阻止某些Cookie,在Cookie放入瀏覽器之前阻止接受所有Cookie, 將影響你的在線體驗,並可能阻止你享受通過本服務提供的全部功能。
- 支付處理器。如果你通過服務進行購買,你可以使用Stripe,PayPal,支付寶或其他第三方支付服務等第三方支付服務進行支付。除非你另行向我們提供有關你使用本服務的信息,否則這些第三方支付服務為處理你的付款而收集的所有信息均不適用於我們。這些第三方支付服務從你那裡收集的信息受適用的第三方支付服務的私隱政策的管轄。在向適用的第三方支付服務提交任何信息之前,你應該查看適用的私隱政策。
- 促銷丶抽獎和比賽。我們可能會不時在服務上舉辦推廣活動丶抽獎活動等。你可能會被要求提供個人信息或允許將你的個人信息轉讓給與此類促銷,抽獎活動或內容有關的第三方。適用私隱政策的各方將在收集或轉讓的時候披露。
III。 社交媒體服務。 該服務可能使用社交網絡或“共享功能”,或可能包含第三方社交媒體網站或非 ppprint 擁有或控制的應用程序的鏈接。使用這些功能可能會導致這些網站或應用程序收集或共享有關你的信息,具體取決於功能。我們將無法控制任何共享功能或任何第三方網站或應用程式的內容丶私隱政策或慣例,也不承擔任何責任。你是在適用的情況下受到第三方的政策約束。我們也可能允許你使用社交媒體網站或應用程序來利用你現有的社交媒體網站或應用程式帳戶來訪問服務的功能。請檢查你適用的社交媒體網站或應用程式帳戶的私隱設置,因為這些設置決定了你通過適用的社交媒體網站或應用程式訪問服務時可能提供給我們的信息。
IV 我們不建議18歲以下人士使用本服務。如果父母或監護人發現他/她的孩子未經他們同意向我們提供了信息,可隨時與我們聯繫取消其帳戶。
V 我們如何分享你的信息。我們可能會在以下情況下分享你提供的或我們收集的信息:
- 廣告商。我們可能會按照上文部份所述與廣告商,第三方廣告網絡和分析公司分享你的信息,這些人員可能會使用該信息在服務或第三方網站或廣告客戶上向你發送有針對性的廣告。同樣,這些廣告客戶可能會與我們分享他們獨立收集或獲取的有關你的信息。我們也可能會共享我們收集的加密版信息,以便我們的廣告合作夥伴執行數據分析或廣告相關使用。
- 公司關聯公司。為了提供聯合內容和服務(如註冊丶交易和客戶支持),或改善你對我們服務丶產品和其他服務的體驗,我們可能會與其他企業分享你的信息。
- 合作夥伴計劃。如果你通過第三方指向服務,我們可能會與第三方共享某些信息,這些信息可能包括姓名,電子郵件和購買資料等信息資料,具體取決於所使用的關係類型或服務。
- 營銷活動。我們會不時向營銷公司出於貿易或租賃目的披露某些信息(姓名丶郵寄地址和非敏感交易信息,例如你的購買歷史丶支付的金額和訂購的產品等等)。
- 服務供應商。我們可能會與代表我們工作的服務提供商分享你的信息。例如,這些服務提供商可以處理支付或信用卡處理丶數據管理丶客戶數據收集丶功能管理丶電子郵件分發丶市場調查丶信息分析和促銷管理。這些服務供應商只能以我們的名義訪問執行這些有限功能所需的信息。
- 法院命令或保護權利並遵守我們的政策。在法律允許的範圍內,如果出現以下情況,我們會向政府當局或第三方(包括國家安全機構或執法機構)披露你的訊息或資料:(i)法律要求或者要求回應傳票或法院命令; (ii)我們相信我們有絕對的唯一判斷力,認為披露是合理必要的,以防止欺詐,保護我們或其他用戶,第三方或公眾的財產或其他權利; 或者(iii)我們認為你濫用本服務來攻擊其他系統或未經授權訪問任何其他系統,從事垃圾郵件或以其他方式違反適用法律或違反我們的使用條款。你應該意識到在向任何第三方披露信息後,你的信息可能會被其他人在適用法律允許或要求的範圍內。
- 商業轉讓; 破產。如果發生合併,收購,破產或其他全部或部分資產或任何業務的出售,我們擁有或控制的任何用戶信息可能是在此類交易或事件中轉讓給第三方的資產之一。作為此類交易或事件的一部分,我們保留將你從我們服務的用戶處收集的信息和其他信息轉讓或轉讓給第三方的權利。除了破產或其他法院命令的範圍外,所有轉移的用戶信息的使用和披露均應遵守本私隱政策。 但是,你提交或在此類轉移後收集的任何信息可能會受到後繼實體或收單方採用的新私隱政策的製約(如適用)。
VI。 管理你的資料。我們承認個人有權訪問他們自己的個人數據。 你可以發送電子郵件給我們請求訪問或更正你的個人資料。在提供你通過本服務提供的註冊信息。 我們可能會要求你提供用於身份證證明等附加資料,或者驗證你是否擁有適用的電子郵件帳戶。 如果你希望我們刪除你通過本服務提供的信息,請與我們聯繫,我們將在合理的時間內回覆。請注意,你們的提供的部份或全部訊息必須在服務正常運行,或者可能會自動保留在備份儲存或記錄保存檔案儲存,但我們沒有義務為你提供該資料。
七。 在居住國以外使用信息。該服務針對位於香港的用戶。如果你位於香港境外,並且你選擇使用本服務或向我們提供你的信息,那麼你的信息可能會傳輸到境內或境外的服務器丶數據庫或雲端儲存設施中進行處理和維護。你使用本服務表示你同意並同意這些做法。如果你不希望將你的信息傳輸到香港或在香港進行處理或維護,則不應使用我們的網站及服務。
八 安全。我們提供符合行業標準的物理丶電子和程序保護措施,以保護我們處理和維護的信息。例如,我們採取合理措施限制獲得此信息的授權僱員和承包商,他們需要知道這些信息才能運營丶開發或改進我們的服務。請注意,儘管我們努力為我們處理和維護的信息提供合理的安全保護,但是沒有任何安全系統可以防止所有潛在的安全漏洞。因此,我們無法保證或擔保你通過本服務或通過本服務傳輸的任何信息的安全性,因此你必需自己承擔所有風險。
Last Updated: November 1, 2020
By using this online website, mobile website, application, digital service, or any products, services, sites, features or functionality associated with Make T-shirt Together Ltd., and its subsidiaries/affiliates (each a "Service," collectively the "Services"), you consent to the collection, use, processing, and sharing of your information as described in our Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes how information is collected from you when you use any of the Services and how we uses, shares and manages this information.
Make T-shirt Together Limited is registered in Hong Kong and are subject to the investigative and enforcement authority of the Hong Kong law.
- Data Collection and Use.
- Information You Directly and Voluntarily Provide to Us. We may collect and store some or all of the following information you make available to us:
- If you download, register for or use the Service, we may ask you to provide your name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, image, interests, demographic profile, credit card information, user name, password and other registration information. You may be required to register with us and provide us with the information we request from you in order to use the Service or to use some or all of the features offered by the Service. We may also offer you the option to complete a user profile that may be visible to other users of the Service. If a user profile feature is offered through the Service, you may be able to adjust the settings in your user account to specify the information in your user profile that will be shared publicly, that will only be shared with your friends, or that will remain private. If you are a registered user you may also be able to adjust your account settings through your user account. We note that, even if you adjust your settings so that your user profile is only shared with your friends or remains private, we will still be able to access and view the information you provide as part of your user profile.
- Information you provide when you contact us for technical or customer support or with questions about your use of the Service.
- Information Automatically Collected from You. In addition to the information you provide to us, the Service may collect and store additional information automatically, this information may include:
- Device registration data (e.g., the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device's unique device or advertising ID, IP address, operating system and browser type)
- Device settings (e.g., language preference)
- Mobile carrier
- Information about how you use the Service (for example, how many times you use the Service each day)
- Requested and referring URLs
- Location data collected through your device (including, for example, precise location data such as GPS and WiFi information)
- II. Collection of Information by Third Parties.
- Advertising and Analytics.
The Service may be supported through advertising, and we may work with third-party advertisers and advertising networks to provide advertising through the Service. We may provide these third-party advertisers and advertising networks with the ability to collect information about how you interact with the Service and, if applicable, your mobile device. This information may include the unique device or advertising identifier associated with your device and your precise location information, in order to help analyse and serve targeted advertising on the Service and elsewhere (including third-party sites and applications).
We may also work with third party analytics companies to help us understand how the Service is being used, such as data collection, reporting, ad response measurement, and website and mobile application analytics, as well as to assist with delivery of relevant marketing messages and advertisements. We may use Google Analytics, an analytics service provided by Google, Inc., or other third party analytics services providers ("Analytics Services") to collect information about your use of the Service. These Analytics Services may collect information about the content you view and your system information and geographic information. The information generated by the Analytics Services about your use of the Service will be transmitted to and stored by the Analytics Services. The information collected by the Analytics Services allows us to analyse your use of the Service.
We encourage you to review your device and Service settings to ensure they are consistent with your preferences, including with respect to the collection and use of information. You may be able to stop further collection of certain information by the Service by updating your applicable device settings, or you may uninstall the Service. In addition, you may choose not to share your location details by adjusting your mobile device's location services settings. For instructions on changing the relevant settings, please contact your service provider/carrier or device manufacturer.
- Third Party Links and Content. In addition, the Service may include third-party advertising, links to third-party websites, and other content from third-party businesses. These third parties may use cookies, pixels and web beacons to track the actions of users online over time and across different websites or platforms in order to deliver targeted electronic advertisements to an individual user. We do not have access to or control over cookies, pixels or web beacons that third-party websites or partners may use. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these third-party websites. You are encouraged to review the privacy policies of the different websites that you visit. In addition, some third-party advertising companies may provide a mechanism to opt-out of their technology. However, we do not participate in it.
- Do Not Track Requests. If you access the Service through a browser, your browser may allow you to adjust your browser settings so that "do not track" requests are sent to the websites that you visit. However, we will not disable tracking technology that may be active on the Service in response to any "do not track" requests that we receive from your browser. You can change your privacy preferences regarding the use of cookies and other similar technologies through your browser. You may set your browser to accept all cookies, block certain cookies, require our consent before a cookie is placed in your browser, or block all cookies. Blocking all cookies will affect your online experience and may prevent you from enjoying the full features offered through the Service.
- Payment Processors. If you make a purchase through the Service, you may be able to pay using a third-party payment service, such as Stripe, PayPal, Alipay or other third-party payment services. All information collected by these third-party payment services for purposes of processing your payments is not available to us, unless you have otherwise provided this information to us in connection with your use of the Service. Information collected from you by these third-party payment services is governed by the applicable third-party payment service's privacy policy. You should review the applicable privacy policy prior to submitting any information to the applicable third-party payment service.
- Promotions, Sweepstakes, and Contests. From time to time, we may host a promotion, sweepstakes, or content on the Service. You may be asked to provide personal information or permit the transfer of your personal information to a third party in connection with such promotion, sweepstakes or content. The parties who privacy policy applies will be disclosed at point of collection or transfer.
III. Social Media Services. The Service may use social networking or "share functionality" or may contain links to third-party social media sites or applications that are not owned or controlled by MTT. Your use of these features may result in the collection or sharing of information about you by these sites or applications, depending on the feature.We have no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, any share functionality or the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party site or application. You are subject to the policies of those third parties when and where applicable. We also may allow you to use social media sites or applications to leverage your existing social media site or application accounts to access features of the Service. Please review your privacy settings for your applicable social media site or application account, as those settings determine what information may be made available to us when you access the Service through the applicable social media site or application.
We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media sites or applications with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that may be collected, used, and shared by those sites.
- Children Under Age 18. The Service is not intended for children under age 18. We do not knowingly collect or distribute personal information from or about children under the age of 18. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us and cancel the account.
- How We Share Your Information. We may share your personal information in the manner described below:
- We may share your information with advertisers, third-party advertising networks and analytics companies as described above who may use it to deliver targeted advertisements to you on the Service or third-party websites or advertisers. Similarly, these advertisers may share information with us about you that they have independently gathered or acquired. We may also share encrypted versions of information we have collected in order to enable our advertising partners to perform data analysis or for advertising-related use.
- Corporate Affiliates. We may share your information with members of our corporate family in order to provide joint content and services (like registration, transactions and customer support), or to improve your experience with our Services, products and other services.
- Partner Programs. If you are directed to the Services through a third party, we may share certain information back with that third party, which may include information such as name, email and value of purchase depending on the type of relationship or Service utilised.
- Marketing Campaigns. From time to time we may disclose certain information (name, mailing address and non-sensitive transactional information such as your purchase history, amounts paid and products ordered) to marketing companies for trade or rental purposes.
- Service Providers. We may share your information with our service providers who work on our behalf. For example, these service providers may handle payment or credit card processing, data management, customer data pooling or aggregating, feature administration, email distribution, market research, information analysis, and promotions management. These service providers will only have access to the information needed to perform these limited functions on our behalf.
- Response to Subpoenas or Court Orders or to Protect Rights and to Comply with Our Policies. To the extent permitted by law, we will disclose your information to government authorities or third parties, including national security or law enforcement agencies, if: (i) required to do so by law, or if requested in response to a subpoena or court order; (ii) we believe in our sole and absolute discretion that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect against fraud, to protect the property or other rights of us or other users, third parties or the public at large; or (iii) we believe that you have abused the Service by using it to attack other systems or to gain unauthorised access to any other system, to engage in spamming or otherwise to violate applicable laws or in violation of our Terms of Use . You should be aware that, following disclosure to any third party, your information may be accessible by others to the extent permitted or required by applicable law.
- Business Transfers; Bankruptcy. In the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other sale of all or a portion of our assets or any business, any user information owned or controlled by us may be one of the assets transferred to third parties in such transaction or event. We reserve the right, as part of this type of transaction or event, to transfer or assign your information and other information we have collected from users of the Service to third parties. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred user information will be subject to this Privacy Policy. However, any information you submit or that is collected after this type of transfer may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by the successor entity or acquirer, as applicable.
- Managing Your Information. We acknowledge the right of individuals to access their personal data. You may send an e-mail to us requesting access to or correction of your personal information. We may ask you to provide additional information for identity verification purposes, or to verify that you are in possession of an applicable email account. If you'd like us to delete information that you have provided through the Service, please contact us and we will respond in a reasonable time. Please note that some or all of the information you provided may be required in order for the Service to function properly or may be automatically retained in backup storage or records retention archival storage. However, we are not obliged to provide this information for you.
VII. Use of Information Outside Your Country of Residence. The Service is directed to users located in Hong Kong. If you are located outside of Hong Kong and you choose to use the Service or provide your information to us, your information may be transferred to, processed and maintained on servers, databases or cloud storage facilities located in Hong Kong. Your use of the Service represents your consent and agreement to these practices. If you do not want your information transferred to or processed or maintained in Hong Kong, you should not use the Service.
VIII. Security. We provide industry-standard physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information we process and maintain. For example, we take reasonable measures to limit access to this information to authorised employees and contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our Service. Please be aware that, although we endeavour to provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches. As a result, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit on or through the Service and you do so at your own risk.
- Updates to this Privacy Policy. We will notify you of material changes to this Privacy Policy by at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of the changes. If you do not agree to such changes following such notice, you should discontinue your use of the Service prior to the time the modified privacy policy takes effect. If you continue using the Service after the modified privacy policy takes effect, you will be bound by the modified privacy policy.